Jamie by LD Lapinski | Book Review


Author: LD Lapinski

Physical & Audio


Full of hope, passion and friendship, Jamie is a powerful story and resource sharing the importance of protesting for your right to take up space in this world. Jamie has many crucial conversations throughout, like the history of pride, what non-binary is and the importance of continuing to educate yourself.

At the core, this book is making sure to get your voice heard, whether you fight for something for yourself or as an ally. A heartbreaking but integral part of the book that is less talked about is when the people who were meant to be allies and support Jamie mess up. Showing everyone that the best ally are the ones that show up and educate themselves.

People, especially kids deserve to see themselves as the main character in books like Jamie and not just the shoo-in stereotypical representation. Pride is a protest but that also includes a welcoming community, and Jamie shows that exactly. I’ve shared this book with everyone I know, so now I bestow it on you, enjoy.
