The Moderns Girl’s Guide To Magic | Book Review

The Moderns Girl’s Guide To Magic

Author: Linsey Hall

Ebook & Audio


eARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Low stakes, light-hearted, easy read that could have been done with a British editor. From fireflies that do not inhabit the UK to the incorrect use of quid, wanker and bastard, pulled me out of the story every time. The connection with the love interest, Callan, felt quite one-dimensional and flat. The sex scene or lack of led me to read back in case I missed it, removing it would have benefited the book. The side characters, her grandmother, Borris and her best friend and co were absolutely adorable and brought so much more dimension to the world. Overall the premise sounded amazing but the execution could have done with a few more edits and research.

EDIT: I had listened along with the audio that I bought and I do not think it helped, the awful fake posh British accent didn’t suit the main character at all, nor the fact she was cornish. Made me question at the start, if the modern in the book title was in fact set now or from the Regency era.
